首页单机攻略 为什么我的keil5只有arm


Keil is a widely used integrated development environment (IDE) for embedded systems programming. It supports various microcontrollers and processors, including ARM-based chips. However, if you are looking to work with 8051 microcontrollers, which are not ARM-based, you may wonder why your Keil IDE only shows ARM as an option.

In this article, we will explore some possible reasons for this issue and provide solutions to help you work with non-ARM microcontrollers in Keil.

1. Installing the Keil Pack for 8051:

Visit the official Keil website and download the required pack for 8051 microcontrollers.

Once downloaded, add the local path for the pack installation.

Open the Keil IDE and navigate to the following path: "Packs" -> "Pack Installer."

In the right-hand panel, search for "Keil::MDK" (highlighting the importance of selecting the main MDK).

Click on the corresponding "Install" button to install the pack.

If the pack has already been downloaded, the button may show "Update" instead.

Wait for the download to complete, and then exit and relaunch Keil for the changes to take effect.

2. Installing the Correct Keil Edition:

It is possible that you have downloaded the ARM edition of Keil, which does not include support for 8051 microcontrollers.

In such cases, try downloading the correct edition, specifically for "Keil C51" to work with 8051 microcontrollers.

Launch the C51 edition of Keil to start working with 8051 microcontrollers.

3. Creating a New Project Framework:

To start a new project for 8051 microcontrollers in Keil, create a new folder on your computer and name it as desired.

Open the Keil IDE and navigate to the "Project" menu.

Choose "New uVision Project" and select the folder you just created.

Follow the project creation wizard to specify the microcontroller, configuration settings, and project files.

4. Programming Algorithm Missing for Non-ARM Microcontrollers:

If you are unable to find the programming algorithm for the specific non-ARM microcontroller you are working with, follow these steps to resolve the issue:

1. Download the legacy devices database from the Keil website.

2. Install the legacy devices database in the Keil pack installer.

3. Once installed, relaunch Keil to access the programming algorithm for the desired non-ARM microcontroller.

5. Handling Library Files:

Keil IDE requires the installation of supporting library files to work with specific microcontrollers.

If you are experiencing limited options for microcontrollers in Keil, it may be due to missing or incomplete library installations.

Ensure that you have installed the necessary library packs for your desired microcontroller family.

Visit the Keil website and download the relevant libraries for your microcontroller.

In conclusion, if you find that your Keil IDE only shows ARM options, it may be because you have installed the ARM edition of Keil or have not installed the necessary packs and libraries for non-ARM microcontrollers. Make sure to download the correct edition of Keil (C51 for 8051 microcontrollers) and install the required packs and libraries to work with your desired microcontroller family. By following the steps mentioned above, you will be able to expand your options in Keil and work with a wider range of microcontrollers.
